Ping Pong - challenging the paradigm

It used to be a while back that nearly every day I was stopped and “embarrassed” (Liberian English – being put in an awkward position) by someone wanting something: a job, a promotion, a few cents to survive, some cold water, something “small small for da weekend.” Interestingly it has subsided a little over the past few months and today my attitude was checked with a little intense game of ping pong.

Buddy and I drove up to Precinct #5 where there was a group of semi-professional ping pong players slamming shots on the an Olimpic Ping Pong Table. This guy Cooper was sweating and fanning the big slam shots. On every miss he would give himself a pep talk: "Come on Cooper! Why? You need to hit those shots."

Then there was this kid Landfrey who took on Cooper - his only strategy was to keep changing the score. "so it's 3-2?" Nope it's 4-1...good try though!

It was a great time just hanging out with some guys. In the end they didn't ask for anything. Instead they asked us to come back on Monday for some more humiliating table tennis.

Sounds good! Monday it is...


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