
Hello good people,

I have put off updating my blog for quite some time. I had some good excuses running through my head the other day -0-> making a veggie garden, heading up north for a few weeks and getting new programs off the ground. They all sounded like good excuses, but it doesn't add up to much when I think of how easily I lose touch with friends. Maybe me and bloggin aren't as compatable as I thought.

So where all of you at? I wish I could sit down and sip some coffee with you and reminisce of old times and days that lie ahead...or to scramble up some scree covered mountainside together. The more days that roll over with a crash into a place called yesterday help me realize that we only have a small amount of time with the people we interact with: friends, family, workmates, acquantinces, and strangers. I wonder how many friendships have slipped under the radar into oblivion without me realizing it or worse, not being terribly concerned about it.

A bit of a sombre thought as I sit here on next to the Atlantic Ocean in Monrovia, Liberia. It's been quite a I can't even begin to put into words. I do know that as I fly back to Canada today I am happy for what lies ahead. I know that the summer will be amazing...

I hope to see you guys in good time and with good times ahead!

Time to go catch a plane~~


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