World Food Day

This was quite a day back in November. (Yes, it is a bit late to post this, but my blog really has no posting rules. It is as random as my mind.) On a Friday night I was called up by someone from the FAO. I was in the middle of BBQing some chicken wings when he asked if I wanted to fly on a chopper to Ganta to attend the World Food Day celebrations in Liberia. As I watched my chicken wings burning on the BBQ I decided it would be good to get away for a day.

My friend Chantal (tearfund) and I flew on chopper #3 along with some high-up people: USAID reps, EU reps, ambassador from Japan, and others. Chantal and I looked around and wondered what how we got on this flight, but we decided to go along with it. The flight was entertaining (one lady's shirt blew off just before the flight), the day was eventful (taking pics with the presidential guard) and the moments were unique (chasing around dancing devils).

Near the end of the day Chantal and I were late for rendezvousing at the chopper landing strip. We raced through town running over chickens and giggling like nervous school girls (more Chantal than me) in hopes of not missing the final boarding call. In the end it turned out that the president was late in arriving at the pad and we had to wait for "eagle 1" to fly first. I took the opportunity to pose as a journalist and snap some shots.

I hope to do it all again later this year.


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