The Blog is back

It has been quite some time since I have written. Perhaps I need to focus on shorter blog entries to keep the thoughts flowing on the web. I was thinking lately about different items that I engage with on a weekly basis: from creatively written CVs to names of local NGOs.

My two favourite local NGO names: VODKA (Voice of Deaf Kids Advocacy) and a close second, perhaps next door to VODKA is LUSH (Liberians United in Stopping Hunger).

Here is a quote from a covering letter to a CV that I recently received:

A Liberian citizen and at the age of 31 years, I am seeking for said employment to enable me contribute my quota toward the socio-economic development of Liberia.
What is his quota? It raises an interesting issue - how do we contribute to the development of our countries that we call home? What is development? This question plagues me on a weekly basis. The economics of development can only bring a country so far, but as Bev has pointed out in inter-office theoretical discourses there is an element of social cohesion / capital / togetherness that is necessary for any economic program to be successful. More on this topic to come.

Another note on someone's covering letter:

I hereby apply for position of monitor. I am a high school drop out. I am capable of any job.

That's it for me today...keep in mind that if you are a high school drop out your employer doesn't want to hear about it on a covering letter, even though the honesty may be appreciated.

Keep on keeping on,


PS - Suzi - the blog lives on...


Anonymous said…
You're alive! Thanks for the note. I'm glad to hear things are going well. I love reading your stories Marcel! Write me about your life sometime.

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