Proverb of the day

"Do not try killing rat while it is sitting on the clay pot."

Interpretations? Post a comment.


danielle said…
I've got to try at least one:

Think clearly before you act - you may cause bigger problems if you are rash.
Anonymous said…
What color is the rat?
Anonymous said…
clay pot been fragile,i think it means been mindful of the potential harm you could cause by taking certain action.
Unknown said…
Don't do something without being willing to accept the consequences. Like getting blood on your favourite clay pot. Would you rather have a clean pot, or a nasty ol' rat in your kitchen?
Ivan - There are those who think outside of the box. I think you fall into that category.
Danielle - No would be rash if the rat falls into the pot! There are so many interpretations for these proverbs - i love it.

It's true though eh? Acting hastily can lead to larger, more difficult problems.

Thanks for the thoughts. MKK
Anonymous - very good insight too! one thinks they have dealt with a problem only to realize that they have created more harm. Or that they dealt with something that is inherently wrong, but that action has caused something beautiful to be spoiled. hmmm...
Keeley - your comment reminds me of another Liberian classic:

The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know.

I like your thought - what are you willing to live with. Sometimes it's better to just have the rat in the kitchen then to spoil your favourite clay pot (which has more value than getting rid of the rat).


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