Daily Proverb

Saturday is a double header (weekend bonus round):

"Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper."

"He who lives on hope dies fasting."


Elizabeth said…
Hmm... these sound a little pessimistic, don't you think?

At any rate, I think the first could indicate something like: hope is sweet early on with the expectation that it will be fulfilled, but when dinner time rolls around and the thing remains still to be desired, then hope doesn't quite taste so good. (not that I agree with this philosophy but...) Who says a day is long enough to wait? Some of the best things just take time--- like good cheese and good wine. :D
Hey Elizabeth!

Bad news - our chameleon died! Poor thing is nothing but bones in our cage. I will need to have a ceremony for him tomorrow.

I believe that hope can be strong and wane and then be strong again. I think the proverb is speaking of unmet expectations, which can be hard to deal with (especially in personal areas).

True - a good wine takes time. Mmmm...cheese.

I could use both of those right now.

Elizabeth said…
*gasp* choke, *sputter* po' po' chamelili... perhaps the spirit could not be caged so it left d'body of bones.

and i entirely agree with your assessment of the proverb as well. unmet expectations whether they were unfair to begin with or simply never met are indeed hard rocks to chew and swallow.

Fortunately our hope is Christ, who never fails and surpasses every expectation.

So we can toast to that! :D I'll bring the cheese.


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