Faisal Mosque

The sun was setting. I bowed to pray. To my left a Muslim eyed me with
wonder at seeing this foreigner getting everything wrong in position and form.
I sensed my spirit connecting beyond our material world as I sought answers or maybe some assurance that I was asking the right questions. After several minutes and prostrations later, I left my prayer carpet. I walked around in wonderment at the large minaret towering above us, dwarfing the faithful in a sense of seeming insignificance. I continued around the bend and was met with the dazzling spectacle in the West. The sun was crashing into the horizon with clouds awash in a sea of flames. It was then that I understood. The Divine exists, yes true, but more than that, He finds pleasure each late afternoon in seeing the wonder in the eyes of us, his children.

I listened to a song entitled, "Emerald minarets in a sea of stars" as the clouds chased the colour from the sky. The muezzin came on the PA system with a crackle and a laboured breath before he sang out that Allah is great. I could not help but agree as I walked down the stairs, away from the masjid and the prayers of the faithful, those with enough audacity left to believe that God still does answer their prayers.


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