Snapshots from the road

Would it have been wrong for me to have kindly removed the "fish" from this car? (click on the photo to read the bumper stickers).

A true captain

I support this initiative

Buckskin Gulch, Kanab, Utah

I believe this is the Anasazi version of the "Crazy white man's dance."

This deer doesn't stand a chance

Slot canyons. In case of flash flood: stop smiling and panic.

You know you're in Utah when.

A five hour reggae concert on the Rez. A few hundred smiling Navajo and Hopi folk dancing the night away. Bliss!

She is indeed.

The mobile kitchen

D'Von Charley. He played the flute that guided my mind as I looked over Canyon de Chelly, a location where in 1805 the Spanish army had cornered a group of Navajo women and children on an alcove nestled just above a cliff with a drop of 600 feet. The place is called Adah Aho'doo'nili, meaning "the place where two fell," referring to a navajo lady who took a spanish soldier over the cliff with her.


Stefanie Dekoning said…
I like it Marcel !!!!!!

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